What is Two Way SMS and why do you need it?

Two Way SMS means you can send SMS messages and also receive back SMS from your audiences on the same number, resulting in a conversation between your business and consumer over text messages. 

Many Brands, businesses and retail giants are adapting to the Two Way SMS Marketing and moving away from the traditional one way SMS.

Interaction is a key factor in customer decision making and improves brand recall and brand recognition. 

For Example: If you are a pizza shop using two-way SMS marketing, customers are more likely to recognize your brand as soon as they think of ordering a pizza. 


Two Way SMS can be used by businesses for a lot of different cases to increase sales and boost their revenues. The engagement between businesses and consumers has become more important as customers no longer want to wait for longer times to receive feedback and answers to their questions. 

An SMS makes direct contact with the customer and more than 95% of the text messages are opened within 3 minutes of the delivery time.

Sharing information has become much easier with two way SMS, as customers can reply to the messages and get instant information about products, services, promotions, and offerings.

Features like Instant replies, order generation and improved customer service are a greater alternative to an otherwise time-consuming process. 

Voicy.AI has developed and perfected the Two Way SMS Solution, write to us now at info@voicy.ai and get a 7-day free trial.


Take advantage of the Two Way Text Messaging service by installing it on our Integration Partners below:

Install from QuickBooks app storehttp://apps.intuit.com/smsagent

Install from Clover  app markethttp://www.clover.com/appmarket/apps/VXAPP798TJ388

Install from Yext app Directoryhttp://voicy.info/dialog/yext/authorize

Install from Weebly app centerhttps://www.weebly.com/es/app-center/sms-marketing-bot

Install from Hubspot app marketplacehttps://ecosystem.hubspot.com/marketplace/apps/marketing/lead-generation/myhubspotapp-204588

Install from constant contact app store :https://voicy.info/dialog/constantcontact/authorize

Sign-Up with Google: https://www.voicy.ai/sms-marketing/

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