With the Outbreak of COVID-19 virus across the world, many businesses have been shut due to the lock down imposed. There is no evident base to how long this pandemic situation will remain. Businesses like Salons, Spa, Gym, and many other stores who solely rely on customer walk-ins and in store purchases are suffering with no business during the lock down.
At this time it is very important to ensure that your audience know that you exist, you need to constantly be in touch with your customers and make content to build your brand.
Ways to build your brand during this Pandemic:
Build your Target audience:
It is important to utilize this time and gather all the information required for building your brand. Gather the list of audience that you want to contact and stay in touch with during this lock down and gather information like phone numbers, email addresses, etc.
Note: please take consent of your customers before you send any messages, emails.
Send Safety and Health Tips:
Reach out to your customers with some of the basic safety measures that they need to take during this pandemic situation. This will help your customers associate your brand emotionally and it will also create awareness and remind people about the safety measures. Don’t forget to include your brand name in this messages.
The best way to reach out with safety and health tips is via text messages, with more than 96% open rate and most of the SMS are opened within 3 minutes of the delivery time.

Get Customer Feedback:
Make use of this time to make changes in your business when it re opens and rethink on the policies and procedures that will help you serve better to your customers. The best way to start is by getting feedback from your customers and gathering information.
You can use Two Way SMS Marketing tools to take customer feedback using surveys and questionnaires.

You can take advantage of Two Way SMS Marketing tool by Voicy.AI to reach out to your customers, provide information, gather feedback, automate responses, etc. Voicy is providing a 14 Day free trail during this pandemic situation.
Sign-Up with Google: https://www.voicy.ai/sms-marketing/
Take advantage of the Two Way Text Messaging service by installing it on our Integration Partners below:
Install from QuickBooks app store : http://apps.intuit.com/smsagent
Install from Clover app market : http://www.clover.com/appmarket/apps/VXAPP798TJ388
Install from Yext app Directory : http://voicy.info/dialog/yext/authorize
Install from Weebly app center : https://www.weebly.com/es/app-center/sms-marketing-bot
Install from Hubspot app marketplace : https://ecosystem.hubspot.com/marketplace/apps/marketing/lead-generation/myhubspotapp-204588
Install from constant contact app store :https://voicy.info/dialog/constantcontact/authorize