Voicy.AI Virtual Telephone Agent for Telemedicine/Telehealth
Telemedicine or Telehealth:
Telehealth is a distribution of health-related services and information via electronic information and telecommunication technologies. It allows providing clinical services to patients without an in-person visit.The global telemedicine market is estimated at USD 41.1 billion, expanding at a CAGR of 15.1% over the forecast period. The unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 across the globe has resulted into increased demand for telemedicine solutions.
“The Telemedicine market is worth $155.1 Billion by 2027, CAGR 15.1%”
Voicy.AI is a pioneer in delivering virtual telephone agent services for various use cases, is working on delivering a telemedicine solution, which can be easily set up and enabled within in a very short time.How Voicy.AI Telemedicine solution is simple and easy to setup:
- Easy to setup.
- Customizable for all use cases.
- No Technical help required.
- Integration between Virtual Telephone Agent and Conversational SMS.
- Appointments Scheduling.
You can utilize Voicy.AI’s Telemedicine to start taking consultations virtually and connect patients with doctors over call for consultations and feedback with the ability to understand human natural language and without the need for IVR systems.
Here’s what you need to get started:
- Voicy.AI Virtual Telephone Agent Account.
- Personalized Virtual Agent Number.
- Customize the Flow.
Once the agent is set up, patients can call to your personalized virtual agent and get their consultations, connect with doctors, schedule appointments, and much more without the need of a physical person. Voicy can handle any number of calls at the same time and fulfill patients’ needs.We are offering a free trial for our Telemedicine, write to us at info@voicy.ai to get your free trial.
Call Flow for Voicy.AI Telemedicine:
Once the Call flow is set up and ready, patients can call the agent and get their consultations, connect to the concerned doctor, set up an appointment. Once an appointment scheduling is requested update will be received to them via SMS. It makes it easier with our existing and upcoming integrations with many CRM’s, POS systems, and medical software.
The need for Telemedicine is important and much needed for sustaining the market. Hospitals, clinics, and wellness centers should adapt to this technology to keep up with their patient’s needs and automate their calling experience.
This is just one simple example of flow, and you can customize and create more advanced flows based on your requirements. Contact us now at info@voicy.ai to get a consultation and a free trial of our solutions.
Check out our Conversational self service Two way SMS application :
Sign-Up with Google: https://www.voicy.ai/sms-marketing/
Install from QuickBooks app store : http://apps.intuit.com/smsagent
Install from Clover app market : http://www.clover.com/appmarket/apps/VXAPP798TJ388
Install from Yext app Directory : http://voicy.info/dialog/yext/authorize
Install from Weebly app center : https://www.weebly.com/es/app-center/sms-marketing-bot
Install from Hubspot app marketplace : https://ecosystem.hubspot.com/marketplace/apps/marketing/lead-generation/myhubspotapp-204588
Install from constant contact app store :https://voicy.info/dialog/constantcontact/authorize